Exhibition Information

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Brixham Art Society was formed in 1949 to provide a forum for local artists. Now more than 50 strong, the group includes both amateur and semi-professional painters. Socially engaging and culturally enriching, the society hopes, by its members' efforts, to go from strength to strength.
We welcome new members no matter what the level of involvement.
Members of Brixham Art Society are united by their love of art and willingness to share ideas. A variety of media is used in their work, including watercolour, acrylics, oils and pastels, and mixed media.
Regular monthly demonstrations are given by well-known and usually inspirational regional artists. Occasionally an artist will critique members' own paintings.
Art Society Members can exhibit in a week-long exhibition which is held in August at Scala Hall in Brixham, where all paintings are for sale. Other exhibitions often take place throughout the year.
Our exhibitions add to the variety of activities for holiday-makers in Brixham, many of whom buy our paintings.
The dates for 2020 were Saturday 15th - 22nd August, but cancelled due to the Covid19 pandemic.
New members are always welcome, whether you are an experienced artist or just beginning.
For a taster, visit one of our monthly demonstrations at Brixham Rugby Club, Rea Barn Road, Brixham.
For further information please contact:
Julia Lee, Chair, on 01803 431560 or email: brixhamartsoc@gmail.com
Brixham Art Society was formed in 1949 to serve as a forum for local artists to meet, and actively pursue the practice of art through the mutual help and support of fellow members.
Throughout the years our artists have continuously produced a high standard of work, the results of which have been displayed at our various public exhibitions throughout the year. The major one, which has been our main annual event for as long as the society has existed is held at the Scala Hall in the centre of Brixham. Every year this is an enormous draw for locals and tourist alike. Many of our paintings are sold at this week- long event, many of which go to tourists from abroad.
Our membership is diverse in that we have professional and semi-professional artists, as well as beginning artists. All enjoy the companionship and delight of being in the company of like-minded individuals.
While we may be like-minded, our art work is extremely different in that we have artists working in a wide range of media such as oils , acrylics, watercolours, pastels, pen and ink to name but a few. The subject matter, also, encompasses all that can be captured with a brush or pencil.
Anyone who is interested in art is encouraged to join. In the first instance please email: brixhamartsoc@gmail.com
to discuss membership
Our new programme of events can be seen here-